
Design: Mahakam Coral Small Outdoor Rug

Product Code: RUGDG0854
RRP: $1,187.000 AUD

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The perfect rug for inside and out - a dynamic striped outdoor rug inspired by vintage hand woven rugs. In gorgeous multi coloured tones of fuchsia pink emerald orange and natural this durable and easy to clean handloom woven flat weave outdoor rug is constructed from a specialist polyester yarn made from up to 875 recycled plastic bottles. In a new smaller size medium and runner. As with all our outdoor furnishings please note that these rugs should not be left outside in harsh weather conditions or in direct sunlight for extended periods of time and care should be taken to dry out the rug should it get soaking wet and water logged. Please ensure that both the rug and the area where it will be placed are dry before use
100% PET Pl
120 x 180cm
Straight Match